Monday, September 19, 2016

My First Trip to the Big House

The first time I went to the Big House, Michigan was playing Hawaii and it was the first game of the 2016 season. We drove two and a half hours to get to Ann Arbor and the excitement was rushing through my body. The reason we were going to the game is because my sister Lauren was given free tickets by her work, Nexteer, and she invited my dad, my brother Brandon, and I to go with her. So we all rode together down to Ann Arbor catching up and telling jokes. When we got to the Stadium we payed to park on the ginormous golf course across from the stadium where there was all types of people tailgating and "pre-gaming" in crazy maize and blue vehicles and outfits. This image instantly put a giant smile on my face as I felt like I was at home with all these people with the same interest as me. My sisters work had their own giant, decked out bus with Michigan all over it. The bus had speakers mounted on the outside blasting good music, and out front was a ton of "beverages" and great food.
(*Pic of my fam and I in front of the company bus...My face was full of burger so i look stupid /:*)

After 3 hours of filling our stomachs and playing corn hole, it was game time and the fans started shoveling into the Big House. Our seats were located a couple rows up behind Michigan's end zone. But when I walked through the hallway opening up to the stadium, it was like fireworks going off in my mind. I have never seen so many people in one place, it was crazy. And I saw why people say there is literally no bad seats in the whole stadium. Any where you walked you had a great view of the field and could feel the energy of the fans. But I guess I got too sucked into the atmosphere because at halftime I couldn't resist dropping a couple bucks in the infamous M Den.

(*Pic I took from our seats*)

We ended up killing the Hawaii Rainbow Warriors and it really wasn't much of a game but still an amazing experience none the less. When we left the stadium, we proceeded to tailgate again to celebrate the big win. An hour or so after the game ended I heard a bunch of young kids screaming across the street and I ran over to see what the commotion was about. The Michigan players were walking back to their dorms after the game and I got to see Deveon Smith and Jabrill Peppers, two of the best current players on the team. They both said they were too busy for a pic which kind of sucked but it was still a cool experience and the best way to top off the great day.

(*Pic I snagged of Jabrill cuz he wouldn't take one with me )-:*)

If you have never been to a Michigan Football game I would highly recommend it. It was one of the coolest experiences I've had and I hope to visit more games throughout this year and the future seasons to come.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Most Winningest College Football Team Ever. Period. (Blog Post #1)

The reason I chose Michigan football for my new blog is because I've loved the maize and blue since I first watched college football. Michigan (football) is not the best team in todays game by no means, which is a title strongly held by the University of Alabama, but you can't say they haven't won more football games then any other university in the history of college football. Michigan currently holds the record with 915 wins and rising with a promising team for this season. The large amount of wins has accumulated 11 national titles, 42 Big Ten conference titles, 44 "Bowl" games, and 78 NCAA All-Americans. In a recent AP Poll, (Associated Press), college football analyst composed a list of "The 25 best college football teams ever", which I will throw a link to below, in where Michigan earned a respectful #4 ranking. Only ranking behind Oklahoma, Alabama, and that team nobody really cares about, Ohio State. But enough with the statistics, let me explain why I love U of M.

I remember watching my first football game on tv with my dad and my brother Brandon in my spiderman pajamas. I had to be around the age of 6. At the time I was completely oblivious to what I was actually watching but what I could understand was the joy the game was bringing my father. Every touchdown or defensive turnover Brandon and my dad would yell in celebration. This brought joy to me and made a connection in mind that Michigan football was cool. When you are a little kid you always want to be like your dad, and him being a Michigan fan is just a characteristic that I just adapted to. My love for the maize and blue grows stronger the older I get. I just recently went to my first game at the Big House, the experience was so awesome it influenced to create a blog about the Wolverines. I cannot wait to go to more. At times I have been disappointed with my beloved team, but my heart will always bleed the colors. Michigan football has always been a big part of my family's past time and I will continue on the tradition.

This blog will consist of weekly posts about recent events with Michigan Football, such as games, recruiting, statistics, and stories about my beloved team. Tune in next week which post will detail my experience with my first trip to the Big House.

AP Poll -